Comunicado sobre a demissão

Abaixo você confere as explicações do treinador Joel Santana que circula na internet, por conta de sua demissão do comando da seleção da África do Sul.

- Just because the time of Soute Africa perdeite for Islândia, the coach Joel Socana leveite um foot in the bunda and was demitided. Joel said to imprensa that isso was sacaneition. that the culpa was not of him , because the time was very ruim,
with a lote of perebeition and it was very difficult to treineite this band of heads de bagres.
Joel Socana said that he donte know what time he will treineite agora, but he will not go to Fluminense to salveite of the segunda diviseition because he só talk english and the time of the tricoleition donte will understande his instruções! -

Esse povo...kkkkkkkkkkk


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